My favorite part is definitely being apart of such an amazing community!! Being able to connect with others who have similar interests is so cool to me! When I first started to prioritize my health and fitness, I didn’t know many people with similar goals, so I am so grateful to have found this community!!
What do you love about fitness the most and how did you discover this community?
What I love most about fitness is the way it makes me feel! I first got into it for the physical benefits, but the mental benefits have been huge for me. It’s something that I can turn to no matter how I’m feeling. I did gymnastics for several years when I was younger, and needed another outlet when I quit. I joined a gym and slowly began to learn and improve!
How do you organize your workout and your meals?
I love to plan out my workouts beforehand so I know exactly what I’m doing when I get into the gym! I prioritize progressive overload so I organize my workouts based on that! I focus on getting better at the same basic movements over time.
As for meals, I intuitively eat! I don’t meal prep or anything, I really just try to be mindful of what I’m eating and fuel my body with foods that make me feel good!!
Do you have a set up daily routine?
Since my classes are typically at different times throughout the week, my daily routine changes quite a bit! I will usually try to schedule the gym, school work, and other things around my classes! It really just depends on what my class schedule looks like for that day! If possible, I love going to the gym in the morning to start my day off on the right foot!
Do you have a life motto?
One of my favorite quotes is “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire” — This quote means so much to me because it reminds me not to let fear get in the way of achieving my goals and doing what I’m passionate about!
What is your favourite exercise?
This is something that changes a lot, but right now I’m really loving sumo deadlifts!
Your favourite cheat meals?
I really don’t consider anything to be a cheat meal, because I prefer to still enjoy the foods I love in moderation when I’d like them! But Mac n cheese and Buffalo wings are definitely some of my weaknesses!
How much do you think is important to set up your goals?
I think setting goals is so important, because they’re a constant reminder of what you’re working towards. They’re also hugely important for looking back and seeing how far you’ve come! I am a huge advocate for setting both long and short term goals!
Tell us something about yourself that no one ever asked you before?
Some people are surprised to find out that I am a huge introvert!! I can be super social and talkative, but I really value my alone time and need it to recharge!